Taxonomy changes impact on job ads

Taxonomy changes impact on job ads
With the coming update of our taxonomy new values will start to appear in the ads in JobSearch and JobStream. Some older values will be removed completely, some replaced, some updated. For the sake of simplicity we’ve put together this list of the ones we think could have the most impact on you as a user of an ad API. The values listed are of the kinds you might typically use in a list or drop down menu. Depending on how you built against these fields its likely you’ll see zero impact.
There is no reliable prognosis on when these new values will start appearing In ads at the moment but we hope that this info will be enough to make your application taxonomy version agnostic.


Deprecated Concepts that will stop appearing in ads
“conceptId”: “PFZr_Syz_cUq”
“label”: " Vanlig anställning "
“legacy-id”: “1”

“conceptId”: “Jh8f_q9J_pbJ”,
“label”: " Sommarjobb / feriejobb "
“legacy-id”: “2”

conceptId": “9Wuo_2Yb_36E”
“label”: " Arbete utomlands "
“legacy-id”: “3”

New Concepts that will start appearing ads - note new concepts won’t get legacy-id’s
“conceptId”: “TBA”,
“label”: " Tillsvidareanställning, inklusive provanställning "
“legacy-id”: “N/A”
“conceptId”: “TBA”

“label”: " Säsongsanställning "
“legacy-id”: “N/A”
“conceptId”: “TBA”

“label”: " Vikariat "
“legacy-id”: “N/A”
“conceptId”: “TBA”

“label”: " Tidsbegränsad anställning "
“legacy-id”: “N/A”

Self-employment - new type for concept that might end up under the same field as employment-type
“conceptId”: “TBA”,
“term”/“preferred label”: " Egenföretagare med hyrd arbetsplats "
“legacy-id”: “N/A”

“typ”: “egenanställd”
“type”: “self-employment-type”
“conceptId”: “TBA”

“term”/“preferred label”: " Franchisetagare "
“legacy-id”: “N/A”
“typ”: “egenanställd”
“type”: “self-employment-type”

Deprecated Concepts that will stop appearing in ads under Durration
“conceptId”: “a7uU_j21_mkL”
“label”: " Tillsvidare "
“legacy-id”: “1”

“conceptId”: “qQUd_4qe_NDT”
“term”/“preferred label”: " 6 månader eller längre "
“legacy-id”: “2”

Concepts with changed labels
“conceptId”: “Xj7x_7yZ_jEn”,
“label”: " 3 - 6 månader "
“legacy-id”: “2”
New label: " 3 månader - upp till 6 månader "

“conceptId”: “Sy9J_aRd_ALx”
“label”: " 11 dagar - 3 månader "
“legacy-id”: “7”
New Label: " 11 dagar - upp till 3 månader "

“conceptId”: “cAQ8_TpB_Tdv”
“label”: " Max 10 dagar "
“legacy-id”: “8”
New label: "Upp till 10 dagar"

Hi, do you know when these changes will actually happen? Right now, I get the deprecated concepts from both the jobsearch API and when filling in information for platsbanken through the employer portal.

But when I query the concept “employment-type” in the taxonomy API (, I get the new concepts.
It is a bit confusing to me. Does the taxonomy API v1 have the new concepts but jobsearch API doesn’t yet? Could you please provide docs and changelogs to the different versions of the APIs?

Best, André

Hi Andre!

We should be able to clarify this even tough its a bit complex and to some extent predicting the future.

JobSearch is not the source of the ads. Its other systems - these are still using v1 of the taxonomy and the prognosis says the first systems will be able to move to a later version late this year. However there are several systems that create ads in many different organisations so its likely ads will come with different versions of the taxonomy. Right now Jobsearch is being changed so that a search for an older taxonomy concept will give hits for both the old concept AND its replacement WHEN such searches are made.

So the JobSearch team is basically doing the same as you at the moment - fetching latest values from the taxonomy-API that will be possible to use from its next release. So from then on it will be possible to use later versions for certain kinds of concepts (focus is on occupations as it has the most changes) when searching. However this mostly means that Jobsearch makes itself compatible with newer searches which becomes sort of a discrete search feature. The new taxonomy version will not really be “in production” until the ad creation systems start using it.
This is because we do not want to change the actual values in the ads - what the employer put in is what we will be seen in jobsearch result sets. We just help the user so they don’t miss ads with values that change between taxonomy versions.

I hope this helps but keep asking until its clear! Its good to discuss this on the forum where it can help others.

Hi Andre!

The v1 in the URL only means that it is version 1 of the API not the content of the Taxonomy database.

You can get version 2 of the taxonomy content from the v1 of the API. You will always get the latest version of the Taxonomy database content if you don’t specify a version in the query. If you want to use an older version of the Taxonomy database, just set the version query parameter to 1 if you want to get version 1 of the taxonomy.

If you want a delta / changelog for all the changes between version use the
[Swagger UI](changes endpoint)


[Swagger UI](relation changes endpoint)

The jobsearch API is using version 1 of the Jobtech Taxonomy. But the Jobtech Taxonomy contains both vewrsion 1 and 2.

Thanks @bryjo @henrik_suzuki !
It is clearer now, so we know what concepts/values to handle in the short and medium term.