Skills related to occupations

Hello everyone, and apologies for writing in English.
I am a PhD student in Regional Economics at Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila (Italy), doing research on firms’ and individuals’ response to the green transition.
I am interested in studying the development in the demand of skills by firms when receiving investment funds.
I would like to use the text of the job ads, namely the information on skills and requirements from the historical job ads, coupled with the taxonomy.
However I was wondering if it is possible to link the occupations with the skills, something similar to what they do in ESCO. I have tried few queries in GraphiQL but I did not manage to do it.
Could anyone help me solve this issue?

Thank you in advance!


Hi Giulia!

Presently there are no direct connections between occupation-name concepts and skills within the Taxonomy. Skills are connected to the less detailed SSYK level 4 groups (equivalent to ISCO level 4), as are occupation-name concepts. We are looking into creating more detailed connections but we still have some (likely long) way to go in that respect.

In regards to how we structure skills and occupation-name concepts in the Taxonomy today, see, for instance, the following query:

query MyQuery {
  concepts(limit: 1, type: "ssyk-level-4") {
    narrower(type: "occupation-name") {
    related(type: "skill") {

Here we look at how skills and occupation-name concepts relates to an SSYK level 4 group. In this case, only one occupation-name concept is tied to the SSYK level 4 group, but in almost all other cases you will find multiple, which makes it problematic to derive any direct connections between occupation-name concepts and skills. Also, unlike ESCO, there are no “closeness indicators” (for instance essential/non-essential) between skills and SSYK level 4 groups.

One more thing to keep in mind is that ads in the historical ads dataset rarely contain taxonomy skills in the particular fields dedicated for them (skills within must_have and nice_to_have). This is an unfortunate result of how the job posting system for employers is set up.

On this note, and perhaps you are already aware of it, but in the dataset containing enriched ads, you can find terms/keywords, such as skills, extracted by machine from the ad description. These extracted skills are however not found in, or linked to, the Taxonomy but are based on a separate list.

I hope this answers your question, otherwise feel free to contact us again!

Best regards

David Norman