Raising the offset limit?

I’ve been using this code query for a couple of years to get all the jobs in the catagory i’m interested in but in the last few days/weeks I’m seeing this error message that the offset limit has been exceeded. Is this limit new and could it be increased?


[errors] => Array
[offset] => Invalid argument: 2100. argument must be within the range 0 - 2000

[message] => Input payload validation failed

Hi, the limit of 2000 in JobSearch has not been changed and we have no plans of increasing it.

For these kind of searches, we recommend that you use the JobStream API which can filter by time and concept id’s (occupation-related and location-related). Your api key works in jobStream as well.


Your query would look like this in JobStream, adjust the timestamp as needed:

The response is a list of ads, as you would get in the ['hits'] part of the JobSearch response.

Thanks for the explanation. Must be more of these jobs than usual. I will need to use the jobstream api - it couldn’t be filtered back when I wrote the code i’m using now. Before that using the old api i grabbed the list of jobs and then queried each individual job if it was new/changed. Time to dig out that old code.