Occupational information in historical ads

Dear JobTech team,

Thank you for your work to provide such excellent data. I have a few clarification questions to ask:

  1. I downloaded the raw historical ads data, for example, the historical data in 2012, and then, I did not find the SSYK 2012 codes but found legacy_ams_taxonomy_id under the occupation section. And then, I check this post.

However, the deprecated-legacy-id yrke in data from this post still does not perfectly match legacy_ams_taxonomy_id. So, I’m just wondering if I missed anything. Or, is such a transition only available for a specific year in historical data?

  1. SSYK codes in the Job atlas are all SSYK 2012, right?

  2. From which year, it is likely to have a perfect match of the SSYK 2012 to the occupational codes in historical data?

Thank you so much! I am looking forward to your reply.


Dear Cheng,

Sorry for the late reply. Regarding your questions:

  1. Is my understanding correct in that you want to retrieve SSYK2012 codes given the legacy_ams_taxonomi_id in the ads dataset? I think the issue might be that for ads predating march 2014 (I have not found a specific cutoff date for the transition, it is likely that some ads will be classified with SSYK2012 and some with SSYK96 during this time), SSYK96 was still in use within Arbetsförmedlingen.

  2. Yes, this is correct.

  3. I think by early-to-mid-2014 and onward, a majority of the ads should be classified with SSYK2012. I would perhaps start with April or May, just to be certain. Is it of interest for your work to go further back in time than this?

Best regards

Dear David,

Thank you so much. I will focus on data after 2016. However, I want to know if any possibility link skills in the job atlas back to the ads text because I want to know the geographic distributions of these skills. Thank you again.


Dear Cheng,

Unfortunately very few ads contain skills from the taxonomy/atlas in a structured format, and we do not have a way of classifying the textual descriptions with concepts from the taxonomy.

There are, however, ads that have been enriched with terms, e.g. skill expressions, here: Katalog, although the terms found here are not linked to the taxonomy skills.

Best regards,